
Personal, Practical Economics!

When people ask me what I do, I say "I'm an economist." Now, I know this is vague, but it gives the opportunity to do what I love: talk about economics!

ECONtrepreneurship in Action

Naturally, the next question is: "Well....what's that?" And naturally, I'm immensely pleased that I've been asked. Have a seat and prepare to get your coattail pulled.

ECONOMICS is the result of people not having enough of the things they desire. Money, clothes, credit, time, energy, anything you can think of! All of these things are scarce, if they weren't we'd have no reason to desire them. Scarcity forces us to make decisions, and making decisions is Economics.

This clip from Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is a great example of scarcity. Dig Josh Brolin's response:

As on Wall Street, Main Street, and as on Main Street in our homes. Most of our economic decisions are about money and how to get more of it. Economics is useful for becoming financially fit, but its applications extend far beyond finance!

As an economist, I make it my business to help people get informed about sound economic principles to help them make better choices. That goes for you, your household, your business or your community group. Economic principles can help you understand and exercise your rights when it comes to:

  • Employment (resumes & cover letters)
  • Entrepreneurship (business plans, cost-benefit analyses & websites)
  • Wealth acquisition (budgeting, saving & investing models), and 
  • Planning for the near future in a complex economy. 

Specifically, I specialize in creating curricula to educate the masses, and delivering personalized consulting that will help you to help yourself. Real information that you can use immediately. Hands-on, practical economics. Oh, and what's in parentheses above are services I offer. See http://www.delasol.biz for more information.

Obviously, making a "good" decision is largely a function of the quality and quantity of the information you receive. The Delasol Group offers a focused group of services and goods that aim to help you nurture your personal economy at your own pace. So to make "good" economic choices, you should get your information from The Delasol Group!



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